Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Jon Fieldman only provide legal advice and solutions or does he also provide business advice?

A: The Fieldman Law Group is a law firm providing legal services. However, drawing on his extensive business experience in leadership positions, as well as his work with small businesses and entrepreneurs, Jon Fieldman is a partner who can help you identify business opportunities and risks and develop a game plan to achieve or mitigate them.

Q: Does the Fieldman Law Group offer different services based on my needs?

A: Yes. The Fieldman Law Group can serve as your General Counsel, conduct a basic assessment of how well your legal house is in order, establish best practices for your outside counsel, review and provide advice on a specific matter, and/or perform hands on legal drafting. In effect, you can have all the resources and expertise of an in-house General Counsel without the overhead costs.

Q: What business experience has Jon Fieldman had?

A: Jon Fieldman has held executive management positions at three different companies including Chief Operating Officer, Chief Information Officer (at two different companies) and General Counsel. He was selected for these positions because of his problem-solving, strategic and results-getting abilities.

Q: What types of issues can Jon Fieldman help me with?

A: Jon Fieldman has helped companies through all stages in their life cycle — from startup to dissolution. He has advised clients launching a new company or line of business, buying out a well-established business, or exiting a business they founded. He has helped clients establish standard employment, independent contractor and customer agreements, collect payment from non-paying customers, create employee manuals, establish copyrights and much more.

Q: Does Jon Fieldman help small companies?

A: Yes. Jon Fieldman works with growing companies and firms that require a range of assistance — from negotiating contracts and safeguarding patents to succession planning and exit strategies. In fact, his insight and guidance is highly valued by entrepreneurs, partners and business owners who function in a rapidly changing environment. Jon Fieldman is particularly adept at identifying and minimizing potential risks and threats, and quickly responding whenever issues arise.

Q: I serve as General Counsel. How can Jon Fieldman assist me?

A: Jon Fieldman can help you with specific projects or, if you are facing capacity constraints, augment your staff for a specific assignment, report to you, and manage and direct an assigned scope of work.